Sunday, 25 March 2012

For the Love of Nails!

Di here.

So if you read my last post, I ended it off with some freshly painted blue nails. But, did it really end there?

Nope! I repainted my nails about 3 other times that night, but I finally ended it off with something that I'm really satisfied with. This time, I'll leave it on for the next 4-5 days (*fingers crossed*). 

I was browsing through Instagram when I discovered a talented individual by the screen name of bedizzle. For those of you who are unfamiliar with bedizzle, here's a link to her blog: Anyways, she did an amazing nail art on her nails (of course). It featured pastel green nails with a tree branch. 

Ok, I know what you're thinking. What's so special about a tree branch on green nails. Well, her creative soul used her five nails to depict a full scene, with the tree branch originating from her thumb and extending to her digiti minimi (little finger). She also added 2 love birds (literally) on one of her fingers, as well as few flowers sprouting off a few branches. Uh huh! Now you're interested!

Well, I'm only a beginner when it comes to nail art, so my rendition was a very simplistic version of her own. In other words, just the tree branch. But like I said, I'm quite impressed with myself for even trying. It took a lot of patience and control for me to come out with my final product, but it was well worth it. That's what I love about nail art. No matter how hard it is, if you try your best and are truly delicate, you'll love the outcome no matter what!

Enough rambling on my part: here's how my nails turned out!

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